• Panorama Rouen 1431
    created by Yadegar Asisi in 2016
    photo © asisi

The Battle by mobile anti-aircraft gun

ThemeIt shows the fighting scene of gunners of the KPA dealing a heavy blow to the US aggressors by applying the tactics of swift maneuver of the A.A. guns true to that the Supreme Commander originated during the Fatherland Liberation War.
AddressVictorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum
D.P.R. Korea (North Korea)
Date of creation1974
Beginning of creation1972
Artist(s)Choi Song Sik, Choi Kyo Sun, Kang Sin Myong, Ri Jong Guk, Choi Chang
Dimensions6 x 20 m
Type of art and media formdiorama
Presentation statuson display
