Deadline extended to 11 November 2024
This open call invites scholarly, creative, and practical contributions in seven areas including scholarly essays (subject to double-blind peer review); visual and creative essays; restoration, management, and field reports; opinion pieces; IPC conference reports & papers (this section is open only to IPC conference presenters; papers are subject to single-blind peer review); reviews; and reprints. Contributions may explore a range of ideas in panoramic and immersive media, such as historical and contemporary uses of immersive technologies, innovative methods in preservation and heritage interpretation, tools for applications in museum interpretation and display, contemporary art practices, or educational settings; exploring contested heritage; and analyzing nationalist and imperialist discourses. View the publisher's PIMS Yearbook page at De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
We welcome contributions from IPC members and non-members alike. The PIMS Yearbook is managed by three Executive Editors, a team of Section Editors, and an IPC Editorial Advisory Board. In addition, each issue invites one or more Guest Editors. Section details appear below.
Scholarly Essays
This double-blind peer reviewed section invites scholarly essays that explore themes in panoramic and immersive media studies. We welcome consideration of historical and contemporary immersive media, technologies, aesthetics, and cultural practices and their continuing influence today. Contributions to the Scholarly Essays section are first reviewed by section editors and then subject to double-blind peer review coordinated by De Gruyter. If accepted for further consideration, the editors will request an anonymized copy for external double-blind peer review with the publisher.
Section Editors
- Melissa Wolfe, Curator and Head of American Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
- Liz Crooks, Director, University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Invited Guest Editors
- Daniel Jaquet, Laboratory for Experimental Museology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Sarah Kenderdine, Laboratory for Experimental Museology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
The Forum is responsive to current debates and public conversations surrounding old and new immersive media. It welcomes opinion pieces, interviews, etc. that make an argument, are delivered in the author’s own voice, are based on fact, and are drawn from the author’s research, expertise or experience. For example, contributions may explore the historical and contemporary uses of immersive technologies in preservation and heritage interpretation, as tools for exploring contested heritage, in museum interpretation and display, in educational settings, as entertainment and leisure enhancements, and in the service of promoting nationalist and imperialist discourses.
This section makes space for revisiting articles, documents, other printed media and objects pertinent to the study of multimodal immersive technologies and media. Subject to permissions, this section features previously published, out-of-print and out-of-copyright materials understood to be significant to the production, reception and study of panoramic and immersive media. Contributions may also include historical and unpublished manuscripts, and/or other archival materials, such as illustrated presentations of objects and optical devices. Please include a short editorial/introductory essay (up to 800 words) to contextualize the proposed article, paper, document, translation, or object. If including images, please ensure they are print-ready and supply evidence of permission to publish.
Restoration, Management, and Field Reports
This section invites writing on the preservation, restoration and management of panoramas, dioramas, and other immersive interfaces and attractions.
Section Editors
- Gabriele Koller, Curator, Museum Panorama Altötting, Altötting, Germany
- Patrick Deicher, President, Bourbaki Panorama Foundation, Lucerne, Switzerland
Visual and Creative Essays
This section invites visual and creative approaches including visual essays, artistic projects, creative writing, and other makerly modes of reflection and material research on immersive media.
Section Editors
- Ruby Carlson, Director/Co-Curator, Velaslavasay Panorama, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Sara Velas, Director/Co-Curator, Velaslavasay Panorama, Los Angeles, California, USA
33rd IPC Conference Report & Papers
This single-blind peer reviewed section# publishes the IPC conference program, abstracts, keywords, and presenter biographies. It also invites conference presenters to contribute papers of up to 3,000 words that reflect the substance of their presentations. Conference presenters are welcome to contribute to this section or any other section. Contributions to the Conference Reports & Papers section are subject to single-blind peer review.
Section Editors
- Melissa Wolfe, Curator and Head of American Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
- Liz Crooks, Director, University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
This section invites reviews of recent books, exhibitions, events, performances, archives, and products of a panoramic and/or immersive nature.
Contributions to the Scholarly Essays section are first reviewed by section editors and then subject to double-blind peer review coordinated by De Gruyter. Contributions to the Conference Reports & Papers section are subject to single-blind peer review. All other sections are reviewed by the PIMS Yearbook editorial board. Following the initial review of submitted materials, PIMS Yearbook editors may re-assign a submission for consideration in another section. On occasion, a submission will be recommended for publication in a succeeding volume.
- Prof. Dr. Molly Briggs, School of Art & Design, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Prof. Dr. Thorsten Logge, Universität Hamburg, Germany
- Prof. Nicholas C. Lowe, John H. Bryan Chair of Historic Preservation, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA
- Ruby Carlson, Velaslavasay Panorama, Director/Co-Curator, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Liz Crooks, Director, University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums, Iowa City, Iowa, USA
- Patrick Deicher, President of the Bourbaki Panorama Foundation, Lucerne, Switzerland
- Daniel Jaquet, Laboratory for Experimental Museology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Sarah Kenderdine, Laboratory for Experimental Museology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Gabriele Koller, Curator of the Museum Panorama Altötting, Altötting, Germany
- Sara Velas, Velaslavasay Panorama, Director/Co-Curator, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Dr. Melissa Wolfe, Curator and Head of American Art, Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
- Leen Engelen, LUCA School of Arts / KU Leuven, Belgium
- Prof. Dr. Thiago Leitão de Souza, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Dr. Blagovesta Momchedjikova, Expository Writing Program, New York University, USA
- Robin Skinner, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand.
- Suzanne Wray, Independent Scholar & Researcher, New York City, New York, USA
The PIMS Yearbook accepts original and complete manuscripts written in the English language. Upon submission, please indicate which section you are submitting to:
- Scholarly Essays (double-blind peer review)
- Forum (edited)
- Restoration, Management, and Field Reports (edited)
- Visual and Creative Essays (edited)
- International Panorama Council Conference Report 2024 (single-blind peer review)
- Reviews (edited)
- Reprints (edited)
- Please make your initial submission via the PIMS Yearbook Initial Submission Form. If accepted for further consideration you will receive a link to a shared folder for continuing communications.
- In subsequent email communications, please indicate in the subject line PIMS Yearbook plus the first word of the section to which your manuscript was submitted (for the categories, see above); e.g. PIMS Yearbook—Visual and Creative Essays
- Contributions to the Scholarly Essays section need not be anonymized upon initial submission
- Contributions to all other sections need not be anonymized
Word limits
- Scholarly Essays, abstract up to 300 words, 4 to 7 keywords (do not include title words among keywords) main text up to 10,000 words inclusive of notes, references, image caption, and author bio (in exceptional cases we can accommodate up to 15,000 words.
- Contributions to the Reprints section should be accompanied by an original introduction of up to 800 words and 4 to 7 keywords
- All other sections, abstract up to 300 words, 4 to 7 keywords (do not include title words), main text up to 3,000 words
- For all sections, include images that are central and necessary to the argument; do not include images solely for the purposes of illustration
- Contributions to the Visual and Creative Essays and Reviews sections can be more image-rich
- All images must be accompanied by in-text image callouts
- For all sections, prepare TWO versions of your manuscript: one that includes images, and one that does not.
- In the manuscript with images, include image callouts and captions as shown in the PIMS-ManuscriptTemplate (linked below)
- In the manuscript without images, replace each image with a highlighted placeholder that includes the image filename, as shown in the PIMS-ManuscriptTemplate
- Submit both.docx files and each of your image files individually, per instructions in the PIMS-Template_v2 and in the PIMS Yearbook Initial Submission form
- All submissions should be formatted in compliance with the PIMS-Yearbook-v2-2024-StyleSheet.pdf and the PIMS-ManuscriptTemplate. Both the Style Sheet and the Manuscript Template are available for download from a PIMS Yearbook shared google folder.
- It is recommended that you review the instructions in the submission form before you are ready to actually submit.
Contributions for v2 are due 11 November 2024 via the
Questions? Email us at pimsyearbookipc [at] gmail [dot] com