2025 Conference Organizing Committee
The 34th IPC Conference, THE WORLD AT A GLANCE: PANORAMIC AND PEEP TECHNOLOGIES, is hosted by the Early Visual Media Lab, Lusófona University of Lisbon, and the Art History Institute, IHA, NOVA-FCSH/IN2PAST. We will meet at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2–4, 2025. The Conference Organizing Committee comprises the IPC Executive Board and representatives from the institutional host partners.
- Dr. Molly Catherine Briggs, IPC (USA), Committee Chair
- Gabriele Koller, IPC (Germany)
- Anja Coenen, IPC (Belgium)
- Dr. Melissa Wolfe, IPC (USA)
- Prof. Nicholas Lowe, IPC (USA)
- Daniel Jaquet, IPC (Switzerland)
- Dr. Victor Flores, Lusófona University (Portugal)
- Prof. Susana Martins, Instituto de História da Arte (Portugal)
- Leen Engelen, LUCA School of Arts (Belgium)
- Ana David Mendez, Lusófona University (Portugal)
- Dr. Thiago Leitão de Souza, IPC (Brazil), Ex-Officio
2025 Conference Scientific Committee
The Conference Scientific Committee is a standing IPC committee. It invites partners from the conference host institution to join. This committee creates a conference theme, develops a call for proposals, adjudicates proposals, defines conference sessions, and sets the program.
- Dr. Melissa Wolfe, IPC (USA), Committee Chair
- Leen Engelen, IPC (Belgium)
- Éloïse Paquette, IPC (Canada)
- Dr. Victor Flores, Lusófona University (Portugal)
- Prof. Susana Martins, Instituto de História da Arte (Portugal)
- Dr. Thiago Leitão de Souza, IPC (Brazil), Ex-Officio
IPC Heritage Committee
The IPC Heritage Committee works with institutions holding panoramas, especially IPC institutional members, to serve the varied needs of owners and operators of heritage panoramas, such as in the areas of maintenance, restoration, management, and marketing.
- Gabriele Koller (Germany), Committee Chair
- Liz Crooks (USA)
- Irina Gribova (Russia)
- Minke Schat (Netherlands)
- Sara Velas (USA)
IPC Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee coordinates communication strategy and manages the IPC website and IPC Newsletter.
- Prof. Nicholas C. Lowe (USA), Committee Chair
- Dr. Molly Catherine Briggs (USA)
- Gabriele Koller (Germany)
- Anja Coenen (Belgium)
- Suzanne Wray (USA)
- Dr. Thiago Leitão de Souza (Brazil), Ex-Officio
Panoramic and Immersive Media Studies (PIMS) Yearbook Committee
The PIMS Yearbook is the annual yearbook of the International Panorama Council (IPC, Switzerland), published by De Gruyter Oldenbourg (Germany). It surveys the historical and contemporary landscape of panoramic and immersive media.
Executive Editors
- Dr. Molly Catherine Briggs (USA)
- Dr. Thorsten Logge (Germany)
- Prof. Nicholas C. Lowe (USA)
Section Editors
- Ruby Carlson (USA)
- Liz Crooks (USA)
- Patrick Deicher (Switzerland)
- Dr. Daniel Jaquet (Switzerland)
- Sarah Kenderdine (Switzerland)
- Gabriele Koller (Germany)
- Sara Velas (USA)
- Dr. Melissa Wolfe (USA)
Editorial Advisory Board
- Leen Engelen (Belgium)
- Prof. Dr. Thiago Leitão de Souza (Brazil)
- Dr. Blagovesta Momchedjikova (USA)
- Robin Skinner (New Zealand)
- Suzanne Wray (USA)