Upon its annual meeting on 30th September 2016 the General Assembly of the International Panorama Council has re-elected the Executive Board and the Auditors of the asscoiation.
Upon its annual meeting on 30th September 2016 the General Assembly of the International Panorama Council has re-elected the Executive Board and the Auditors of the asscoiation.
Members of the Executive Board 2016-2017:
- President Sara Velas, USA
- Vice President Dr. Guy Thewes, Luxembourg
- Treasurer Patrick Deicher M.A., Switzerland
- Dominique Hanson, Belgium (elected for new term)
- Prof. Dr. Thiago Leitão de Souza, Brazil
- Dr. Blagovesta Momchedjikova, USA
- Mathias Thiel, Germany
Dr. Mimi Colligan, Australia has left the Executive Board at the end of her term. She will remain connected to IPC as a member of the Advisory Board (a group of persons that supports the Executive Board and the Secretary-General).
Gordon Jones, USA
Natasja Peeters, Belgium
Ruby Carlson, USA remains our Secretary-General and acts in this position as the operational center for IPC.