• Panorama Rouen 1431
    created by Yadegar Asisi in 2016
    photo © asisi

The Bay and Harbor of New York (fragment from 'Italia')

The concluding scene from the moving panorama of Italy.

ThemeThe Museum of the City of New York
New York
Date of creation1858
Beginning of creation1849
Artist(s)Samuel B. Waugh (1814 - 1885)
Dimensions99 1/5 x 198 1/4 inches
TechniqueWatercolour on Canvas
Historical referencesThe museum owns the concluding scene from that moving panorama of Italy only.

Source: Erkki Huhtamo, Illusions in Motion, 2013, p. 383f.
Type of art and media formMoving panorama
Presentation statusin storage
