• Panorama Rouen 1431
    created by Yadegar Asisi in 2016
    photo © asisi

Mission and Purpose

The main goal of the International Panorama Council is to promote professional trusteeship and to stimulate worldwide research and communication on panoramas (or a cyclorama as it is called in some parts of the world), both historic and modern. Prime part of the goal is saving and preserving the few surviving heritage panoramas and their buildings worldwide. IPC also strives to have the most valuable historical panoramas listed as UNESCO World Heritage. A first step has been taken in July 2008 when the Panorama Waterloo was added to the Belgian tentative proposal for the UNESCO list.

IPC’s interests include the panorama phenomenon in a wider context including nineteenth-century derivatives of the panorama such as the moving panorama and the diorama as well as modern art forms that are closely related to the panorama, such as photography, film and video.

IPC is active in the fields of restoration, research, financing, exhibiting and marketing of panoramas.