• Panorama Rouen 1431
    created by Yadegar Asisi in 2016
    photo © asisi

Benefits for Members

Join the International Panorama Council and be part of the international panorama community

Since 1992, the International Panorama Council has offered unique and engaging opportunities to share interests and professional detail of panoramas and immersive media of all kinds. Our members include heritage panorama owners and managers; panorama conservators and restoration specialists; contemporary panorama makers, artists, presenters and performers; immersive media producers; panoramic media researchers; media historians and writers; independent and museum curators; and engagement directors.

IPC continues to welcome a broad range of personal and professional engagement based on a shared enthusiasm for panoramas and immersive media.

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP : The highlights of an individual membership includes the following

  • Discounted registration fee for the annual IPC Conference
  • • Member discount for the hardcover Panoramic & Immersive Media Studies Yearbook (De Gruyter Germany)
  • Priority placement in the IPC Newsletter
  • Meet internationally reputable institutions
  • Access to an expanded professional network
  • liaison with venerated international institutions
  • Opportunities for consultation with experts and specialists
  • Direct access to extensive conversations, information and resources about panoramas and immersive media

INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP: Benefits for Institutional members include all of the above plus the following

  • Use the IPC logo for fundraising and marketing activities
  • Partner with us to host an International Panorama Council Conference
  • Exchange advice and support from other IPC Institutional Members on questions of panorama conservation, restoration and marketing
  • Increase public awareness of the panorama as an important cultural phenomenon

Information about IPC Institutional Members is on the Institutional Members page

To become a member or to renew your IPC annual membership click this link:

IPC Membership Form

IPC memberships are due annually in January.

Please note that IPC membership is continuous, in accord with Swiss regulations. You may cancel your membership at any time by notifying the IPC Secretariat. secretariat@panoramacouncil.org