• Panorama Rouen 1431
    created by Yadegar Asisi in 2016
    photo © asisi

Past conferences

Since the organization's beginnings in 1992 annual conferences have been held worldwide. 


Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland.Panoramas as Memory of the World. 
               Digital Conference Package - including Program, and Abstracts.


University of Iowa Museum of Natural History Iowa City, Iowa, USA, Panoramas, Immersive Media, and Lost Worlds.


Lëtzebuerg City Museum, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Immersive Experiece, From Panorama to Extended Reality       


New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA, Time and Travel (Convened virtually)


Bursa, Turkey, Open Call (Convened virtually)


Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Panoramic Ironies


Istanbul, Turkey, Memory and the Panorama


New York, NY, USA, (Re)Thinking the Panorama


Ópusztaszer, Hungary, Fiction and Reality in Panoramas


Namur, Belgium, Layers of History - from Classical to Digital Age
               abstracts of the presentations


Altoetting, Germany, The Panoramic Experience: Real – Virtual – Spiritual
               abstracts of the presentations


Lucerne, Switzerland, Panoramic Spectacles – A Tourist Attraction Then and Now
               abstracts of the presentations


Pleven, Bulgaria, Historic Battles in Panorama Format - messages and challenges. In cooperation with the Municipality of Pleven and the Military Historical Museums, Pleven Epopee 1877 Panorama

2011 Gettysburg, PA, USA, Preserving and Understanding the Battlefield Panorama Heritage. In cooperation with the Gettysburg Foundation
2010 Istanbul, Turkey. Panoramas Bridging Cultures and Time. In cooperation with the Culture Co., a subsidiary of the Greater City of Istanbul
2009 Brussels, Belgium, Panorama Redevelopment: Restoration and Repositioning. In cooperation with the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and of Military History
2008 Leipzig/Dresden, Germany, Spatial Simulation and the Future of Panoramas. In cooperation with Asisi factory GmbH, Berlin
2007 Plymouth, United Kingdom, Panoramas in the Virtual World. In cooperation with Innovate – Centre for Creative Industries, University of Plymouth
2007 New Haven, CT, USA, NewPerspectives on the Panorama. In cooperation with Yale Center for British Art, Yale University
2006 The Hague, The Netherlands, The Quest for Illusion – 125th Anniversary of ‘Panorama Mesdag’
2005 Shenyang, P.R. of China, Panorama Conservation and Restoration Technology. In cooperation with LuXun Academy of Fine Arts
2004 New York City, NY, USA, Panoramas in the Old World and the New. In cooperation with Hunter College
2003 Altötting/Lorch, Germany, 100th Anniversary of the Panorama ‘Jerusalem on the Day of Crucifixion’ (Altötting) and opening of the ‘Stauffer Panorama’ (Lorch)
2002 Pleven, Bulgaria, 25th Anniversary of the Panorama ‘Battle of Pleven’
2001 Beijing, P.R. of China, Panorama Development and Maintenance. In cooperation with The Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
2000 Szeged-Ópusztaszer, Hungary, Panoramasand Tourism, PR and Management
1999 Luzern, Switzerland, The Ongoing Restoration of the ‘Bourbaki Panorama’
1998 Altötting, Germany, The World of Panoramas, Panoramas of the World, 1st IPC World Conference
1996 Innsbruck, Austria, 100th Anniversary of the Panorama ‘Battle of Bergisel’
1995 Szeged-Ópusztaszer, Hungary, Inauguration of the‘Feszty-Panorama’
1994 Wrocłav, Poland, 100th Anniversary of the ‘Panorama Racławicka’
1993 Bonn, Germany, Sehsucht – Eräugnis und Ent-Täuschung, über die Veränderung der visuellen Wahrnehmung im 20. Jahrhundert. In cooperation with Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle, Bonn
1992 Szeged-Ópusztaszer, Hungary, Past, Present and Future of Panoramas.Founding conference of IPC as a European Panorama interest group. In cooperation with Móra Ferenc Museum, Szeged