• Panorama Rouen 1431
    created by Yadegar Asisi in 2016
    photo © asisi

Defending Liugong Island

ThemeSemi-circle Panorama of Defending Liugong Island in Jia Wu Sea Battle / Sino-japanese war in 1894/95. The subject depicts in 1890’s Japanese invaded Korea, China north coast and Taiwan Island, Chinese navy defending at sea and defending the Liugong Island.
AddressThe 1894 Sea Battle Memorial Museum, The Liugong Island, Shandong Province
Date of creation2008
Artist(s)Li Fulai, Yan Yang, Li Wu, Zhou Fuxian, Li Xianwu, etc
Dimensions8 x 38 m
Type of art and media formpanorama, semi-circle
Presentation statuson display
